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Verkauf - 10,00 %

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Beschreibung und Teilnahmebedingungen

Steeltoyz has been an experienced supplier and producer of unusual sex toys from the BDSM sector for years, but also supplies its customers with high-quality normal sex toys of all kinds.

The company's customers rely above all on their high quality and best workmanship and in many cases on the possibility of having toys made to measure. We have specialised in the production of SM equipment and BDSM toys, which are suitable for both professional and private use.

This enables an enormous product quality, which cannot be found in mass-produced goods from the assembly line. Especially the area of BDSM toys benefits from this care and quality. In this way, the most unusual games can be performed with all the safety that is possible. In the BDSM shop we offer a large selection with over 5000 articles.

Advantages for the customer:   

Articles made of high-quality materials   Consistently positive customer reviews    Large selection of payment options: PayPal, credit card, instant bank transfer, prepayment, cash on delivery    Large selection of advertising materials   

Personal contact personAdvantages for the affiliate:    5.50 % - 10.00 % minimum commission    90.00 days cookie period    112,00 EUR average shopping cart     PLA allowedContact for affiliates:Do you still have questions, or need something to better promote the programme?You are welcome to contact us via the ADCELL contact form or at the following email address: [email protected].


ID 10103
Stornoquote n.a.
ø Freigabezeit der Provisionen 21 Tage
maximale Freigabezeit der Provisionen 42 Tage
Ø Warenkorb bei ADCELL: 60.84 €


Cookie 90 Tage
1st Party Tracking

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Event Lead Sale
Verkauf - 10,00 %
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Sie erhalten für die aufgelisteten Events folgende Mindestprovision:
Verkauf: 10,00%
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